How to trick people into thinking you’re cool: A comedy piece for the laughs.

Being cool was the label I wanted, but never had. In school, I remember looking to some of my other friends who were popular, wishing I knew what to say, how to act and who to date.

However, through the knowledge of ‘others’ as well as various articles on being cool (thanks Google search), I was able to gather ways of being cool. Thanks to the golden rules of being cool, I got a bit of a rep, which I’m not sure is a good thing. Anyway, let’s get into it;

I learned that if you present yourself in a certain way, nobody would ever know that ‘cool’ was not your first language. You gotta fake it till you make it.

In order to be cool, you need to look the part, act the part and be the part.

  • Find what’s unique about you and bring it up in a social situation casually.

Dig deep into your backstory and find a simple fact like “dressing up as a dinosaur for money” and use it to your advantage. Expand on it and bring it up casually at a party, social setting, where people do not think you are a dork.

E.g: Okay yes, I admit, I did use that ‘simple fact’ for people to think I was cool. They got a laugh out of it, so I would like to think that it worked.

  • Mission statement thingmajig

Okay, this actually needs to be something that comes from the heart. When you bring it up, make sure you end it with a joke that makes people laugh, helping them remember your mission statement. That way, no one else will be able to copy you that way, if the subject were to come up.

E.g: I want to do stand up comedy, but I want people to laugh so hard, they go to the bathroom after that.

  •  Be into what people expect the least from you.

Things people are less likely to expect from you, which you already have, mind you, are things you can use at your disposal.

E.g: I love the look on people’s face when I tell them I listen to dubstep music. Based on appearances, they do not expect a petite Asian lady with a fairly innocent face to be really into dubstep. You want to make sure you bring up the last thing people would expect the least from you.

  • Look the part

Please don’t wear sweatpants or PJs unless you can actually get away with it. If you’re working to get people to think you’re cool, you need a backstory. Wear your favorite clothes, because you would feel the most comfortable in them. When you feel comfortable, you feel better about yourself, thus, so will other people think the same thing of you.

E.g: I like wearing sweatpants, but I try to wear something more fashionable with it. When someone asks where I got it, I try to make sure the source sounds as exclusive as possible, in terms of time and place.

  • Act the part

Spit fire. If you are going to let the whole world know that you’re cool, you need to act like you ARE cool. I advise finding a unique hobby you have (not singing in the shower, which trust me, does not work).

E.g: I like telling people I was working on my upcoming raps, which are not untrue, but

       I don’t exactly plan on being an artist either.

If you follow all these steps, you should be on your way to being the coolest

Most of all, if there are things about you that you know you should keep, do it. Cause the whole mantra about being cool, is that you get to recreate the definition of cool over and over again. Being cool can mean not being cool. However, it does not hurt to convince people that you have these things about you that make you the coolest of them all.


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