How to Tell Your Story: Take it From the Mountains

Mountains are a lot like people. People are a lot like mountains.

Both have stories to tell.

Mountains aren’t always intricate, beautiful or interesting on the inside, like they are on the outside.

Do mountains have choices in how their stories in how their stories are told?


Mountains are unable to control how their stories are told.

Whether it’s the truth or a rumor, a theory or lie,

Mountains can’t clap back, asking people to take down their story, or to change how it’s told.

Instead mountains remain the way they are, allowing the world to reap their benefits, admire their beauty,

Or not enjoy the mountain experience at all.

Mountains do not have time, energy, or the resources to care about the harsh consequences of their own stories.

Mountains own their story loud and proud.

They are the very embodiment of don’t let misconceptions interfere with first impressions.

Mountains take responsibility for their identity, they are who they are, standing tall and unapologetic,

Mountains take pride in who they are, and they encourage us to do the same.

Live, own, and don’t let your story own you. Because you are more than your story.

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