The Show (Us) Must Go On

This is it. A year to remember, to have and to hold, for the rest of our lives. Sounds like a marriage vow doesn’t it? We are told for the rest of our lives that we need to make our moments count and mean something, anything, and everything to us. While moments need to be cherished, it also means that they are also meant to be remembered.

As we chase our goals for the new year, we forget the one thing that is a key part in achieving and maintaining them; ourselves. In order to meet goals, we need to make sure the show (us) must go on. Through self care.

The practice of self care was believed to be as something for the delusional and the unfortunate. However, with changing times and technological advancements, we can access better care if we put in the necessary resources, time and effort into it. While self care is not perfect, it is there for us to use it.

As we commonly know self care to seeing a therapist and working on many mental exercises, it can mean different things. It can mean having a healthy limit on when to stop checking work emails, sleep ten minutes earlier every day, write three things you are grateful for before going to bed and the list goes on.

Even if everything feels like it is going well, remembering what you have really completes the whole process of maximising your happiness. Doing one little thing for yourself that you know will make you happy because you chose it. I know that for myself before I sleep tonight, I will be grateful for:

  1. Family
  2. Health
  3. Love

So in pursuing your own goals, don’t forget to take a breather every once in a while. Though it is worth it to achieve your goals, losing yourself in the process is never part of the life equation.

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