
“Journalism is the first draft of history.”

– Newseum

Information is the lifeblood of a journalist, providing fuel to society to make informative decisions and inject valuable change.

With this goal in mind as a writer and over 5 years of experience in content creation and passion towards equal representation and sustainability, I create and develop stories on significant issues such as sustainability, clean energy, politics, healthcare and more. The range of content creation I provide range from public relation materials (press releases, email newsletters, script drafting, social media content, etc.), video (storyboards and editing) and more.

My current role in content management and public relations enables me to house all these skills to deliver impactful and meaningful content to industry leaders, business leaders and members of the public.



Creating and developing written materials to deliver powerful messages.
Content Strategy

Target the right audience and platforms to project your brand and services.
Email Marketing

Strategize and execute marketing campaigns with effective messaging.

Let’s get to work.