
bringing soul to your brand

Hi, I’m Sharlene. With a journalism degree, I have been able to use my skills in writing and experience in public relations + marketing to create content that span across disciplines such as education, environment, energy, social sciences and more. As I believe your brand deserves the most accurate representation, I am always looking for fresh ways to amplify and elevate your voice and message.

The tabs on this website represent the areas I have had the privilege of covering. Visit each tab to have a look.

Conversations with you

As a blogger, not only do I talk about trending topics and real-life conversations on paper, I talk about them in the following blog posts below:

The Privilege of Speaking Out

“This is wrong.” “You need to change your ways.” “We cannot let this happen again.” You’ve probably heard statements like this before. In fact, we all have. However, not all of us get to say this as much as we would like to or denounce something even we really, really want to. Why is this…

How a Global Pandemic is Going to Make Us Better People

As human beings, we like to think we are inevitable to just about everything. Unfortunately, time and time again, through life lessons we have been told otherwise. But this pandemic, unlike many other times, is different. Call it something you cannot control, but this virus has not only taken the world by storm, it has…

Why Breaking Your Silence Matters More Than Ever

With the uprising of social issues with the pandemic as a main factor, “Why Breaking Your Silence Matters More Than Ever” addresses how as a society, we can make steps towards social recovery.

How We Can Start Ending a Cycle of Violence

With the recent news of George Flyod’s murder in Minneapolis, Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia and Breona Taylor’s in Kentucky, the public outrage and protests all convey a simple message, “This isn’t right, please end this.” If you’re not one to read the papers on a consistent basis, police brutality in the United States have been…


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