Lifestyle & More

Our world continues to evolve with technology, business and new ways to save the environment. As nations around the world continue to progress, get to know about sustainable fashion, handmade jewellery and more.


Sustainable Fashion & Why it Matters During the Pandemic

Summary: Fast fashion has been getting headlines on the lack of transparency within its production line and working conditions, but with the current pandemic, how does one pivot towards slow fashion? This piece covers how you can start making the necessary steps toward a more sustainable environment, no matter how small they are.


Summary: In the efforts to tackle the growing imposter syndrome within the community, a social enterprise and designer foster a collaboration using fashion statement pieces to make a statement that we are good enough. This piece covers the collaboration and features the voices of every type of imposter syndrome.

It’s Cool to be You

Summary: From earrings to necklaces, consumers are able to empower their everyday mindset with everyday jewellery. Read more about what this collection means.