Straight outta the Messiah home

"Moving onto the Department of Communication, we have Sharlene Oong," the Dean of the School of Humanities read from his list of students. Straightening my gown, I remember praying to God that I would not trip on my heels and cause a scene. Then I judged myself for thinking that would happen, and for taking … Continue reading Straight outta the Messiah home

How to trick people into thinking you’re cool: A comedy piece for the laughs.

Being cool was the label I wanted, but never had. In school, I remember looking to some of my other friends who were popular, wishing I knew what to say, how to act and who to date. However, through the knowledge of ‘others’ as well as various articles on being cool (thanks Google search), I … Continue reading How to trick people into thinking you’re cool: A comedy piece for the laughs.

Small woman, big dreams.

We need stories. But more importantly, stories need us. Fairytales, ghost stories and thriller murder mysteries would not be what they are today, if not for human creativity, imagination, experiences and emotion. Stories are magical. Growing up, I knew I wanted to be a writer after being enticed by children's author, Enid Blyton, into a world … Continue reading Small woman, big dreams.