Celebrating X Years of Setbacks

Failure. Setbacks. Bumps in the road. Whatever you want to name a circumstance that seems to get in the way of success, Urban dictionary probably has it. Buzzfeed has probably heard it and “meme’ed” the expression one too many times.

In contrary to popular belief, these phrases have more so often provoked a negative reaction from most people, than it has the opposite direction. From career changes, delayed milestones, failed relationships, taking extra time on achievements and more, setbacks are known for making waves across many types of disciplines of what we call life.

Known for their bitter taste, the aftereffects of failure tend to be a fluctuating sense of self-worth, repetition of bad examples, and more. Yet, the results of failure produce success stories, a sense of motivation to do better in life, and a promise for a better tomorrow. Notable figures such as Thomas Edison, Michael Jordan, Ellen Degeneres, Albert Einstein, and more, are proof that setbacks are really just that, setbacks. They are the unpredictable way to success.

Although you may not have gotten it right it the first time, setbacks allow you to rethink your strategy for success, failures inform you that the current methodology you have right now will not work, but it can lead you where you need to go.

As a millennial and fresh college graduate, it has been instinctive for me chase after my passion. However, it does not necessarily mean the obstacles will be easy to overcome, and there will be rejection along the way. Although that may mean these dreams are impossible, with time, motivation, and some chocolate, it will become apparent that nothing really is, with focus being the key in turning dreams into reality.

If it is one thing I have learned about rejection, is that she is a non-negotiable part of life. Setbacks are part of her game, and to survive, there is only one thing to do. Roll the dice and make a move.

While the circumstances are undetermined, how your turn pans out for the rest of the ride depends on you. While setbacks will continue to throw itself at you, what you can do is build a bigger and stronger front to face it, with every stone it continues to hurl at you.

So setbacks, failures, and what not, although they cannot be stopped, they can be tamed and be used for something greater. In the face of it all, I raise my glass to toast what is to come next, and I hope you will join me.

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