Dear Mom(s)

Since the age of dinosaurs and even before then, the concept of motherhood was very much alive. If anyone wanted to look it up on urban dictionary, they might find a picture of my mom fixing a lightbulb, while telling me that chips are bad for my health. In recognition of mother’s day, I wanted to write this post, not just to thank my mom, but moms and dads everywhere, because how would millennials like myself get anything done in the first place?

Everything we would do would probably not have a label, social media hazards here and there, and maybe an avocado toast or two. To celebrate this day, I wrote a little mom sonnet, some things talk about my mom in particular, but mostly, I am sure there will be a few familiar things that apply to all households.

So, sit back, relax and enjoy my little mom sonnet.

Mom, thank you for letting me live under your roof for free. Man, rent is hard.

Mom, thank you for letting me be your stylist.

Mom, thank you for supporting my decision to pursue my passion. I know that was not easy.

Mom, thank you for pretending to laugh at my jokes even though some of them are not really that funny. (Only some)

Mom, thank you for continuing to inspire me to be a better version of myself.

Mom, thank you for telling me the secret ingredient to bargaining.

Mom, thank you for teaching me that it is the heart that counts, because actions and change speak louder than words.

And finally, mom and dad, thank you for loving me. To all the moms out there, thank you, because you groom, inspire and are the main drivers of the next generation. God only knows what you had to overcome to raise us, which we take for granted. On days when it seems like we do not appreciate you, know that is not true, we were just being us, hopefully we will come around.

Though I cannot speak for all us with moms and dads, if you are a mom or a single parent, happy mom’s day. Hopefully, we will not wait for one day out of the year to appreciate you.

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