Celebrating X Years of Setbacks

Failure. Setbacks. Bumps in the road. Whatever you want to name a circumstance that seems to get in the way of success, Urban dictionary probably has it. Buzzfeed has probably heard it and "meme'ed" the expression one too many times. In contrary to popular belief, these phrases have more so often provoked a negative reaction … Continue reading Celebrating X Years of Setbacks

Why Rebellion is our Greatest Teacher

Let's get bad. Paint the town red, drive without a seatbelt, swear in public, drink although your liver is crying otherwise. Sounds pretty wicked right? We know it is so bad, but doing it at the same time feels so right. From the early days of teen angst, of being a religious listener of Paramore … Continue reading Why Rebellion is our Greatest Teacher

“I am so glad I do not live in that part of the world.”

I remember when I first heard that phrase in America. While I admit, I had heard it many times before, it was different hearing it as an immigrant. That phrase would come up every now and then in conversation, with friends I had known for awhile, people I had just met, acquaintances and people I … Continue reading “I am so glad I do not live in that part of the world.”

How to Tell Your Story: Take it From the Mountains

Mountains are a lot like people. People are a lot like mountains. Both have stories to tell. Mountains aren't always intricate, beautiful or interesting on the inside, like they are on the outside. Do mountains have choices in how their stories in how their stories are told? No. Mountains are unable to control how their … Continue reading How to Tell Your Story: Take it From the Mountains

What Does “Home” Mean?

Home never felt like home to her. The familiar surrounding always felt like a blur, a simple passing phenomenon to her. Even her belongings were just that, belongings. They could break, mold would grow and something new would come along. Her beloved Pusheen mug with the heart-shaped crack seemed to be glaring at her, daring … Continue reading What Does “Home” Mean?